0/1000 characters

Note: Maximum 1000 letters per conversion

Select a voice for the chosen language

Free Online Text to Speech Converter

Welcome to BahaaTTS, your reliable text-to-speech conversion tool. Transform written text into natural-sounding speech instantly.

Professional Text-to-Speech

Experience natural-sounding speech synthesis powered by advanced neural networks.

  • Support for multiple languages and regional accents
  • Multiple voice options per language including male and female voices
  • High-quality MP3 audio output suitable for professional use

Extensive Language Coverage

Convert text to speech in multiple languages and dialects with native-quality pronunciation.

  • Support for 20+ languages including English, Spanish, French, German, and more
  • Multiple voice options for each supported language
  • Natural pronunciation and language-specific intonation
  • Region-specific accents and dialects

User-Friendly Interface

Simple and intuitive design makes it easy to convert text to speech in seconds.

  • Clean, modern interface with straightforward controls
  • Real-time character count with visual feedback
  • Instant audio preview with built-in player
  • One-click MP3 download option

Professional Features

Advanced capabilities for both casual users and professionals.

  • High-quality MP3 audio output
  • Support for texts up to 1000 characters
  • Fast processing and conversion times
  • Secure and reliable cloud-based processing

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Is there a limit to how much text I can convert?

Yes, currently there is a limit of 1000 characters per conversion. This limit helps ensure quick processing times and optimal performance. For longer texts, we recommend breaking them into smaller segments.

What audio format do I receive?

The audio is provided in MP3 format, which offers excellent quality while maintaining reasonable file sizes. You can play the audio directly in your browser or download it for use in other applications.

Language and Voices

What languages are supported?

We support a wide range of languages including English (US & UK), Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and many more. Each language comes with multiple voice options to choose from.

Can I switch between different voices for the same language?

Yes! For each supported language, we offer multiple voice options including both male and female voices. You can easily switch between them using the voice selector dropdown menu.

Technical Questions

How do I download the generated audio?

After the audio is generated, you'll see a "Download MP3" button below the audio player. Click this button to save the file to your device.

Why does the audio disappear after some time?

To manage server resources effectively, audio files are automatically deleted after 15 minutes. We recommend downloading your audio files promptly if you need to keep them.

What browsers are supported?

Our service works with all modern web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Make sure your browser is up to date for the best experience.

Usage and Tips

How can I get the best quality output?

For best results, make sure your text is well-punctuated. Neural voices respond well to proper punctuation, which helps create more natural-sounding speech with appropriate pauses and intonation.

What if I encounter an error?

If you encounter an error, first check that your text doesn't exceed the 1000-character limit. If the problem persists, try refreshing the page or selecting a different voice. For continued issues, please contact our support.